Our Location
Value Mall, El-Sherook
Cairo, Egypt
Catchiy is mobile application for IOS and Android that let you create car wash request at your Home. you can oder many type of services and also you can order for one time or make a subscription for many times.
Andriod and IOS support
workers, QCs and admins
endless expansion plans
Clients satisfation is our aim
Catchiy is startup software company which aims to spread the culture of washing cars in front of clients home instead of going to washing cars workshops and waiting for hours by introducing new solutions via user friendly mobile app
We offer a couple of options:
CEO & Founder
CEO & Founder
CEO & Founder
Of experience in Software development
Out solution design has been built to provide you three main characteristics
We promise that we will do our best to save your time and as possible as we can we will give you very good wash for your car that make it shine!.
We promise that we will put our pricing startegy in a profisonal ways. to meet all clients satisfation.
We provide coupouns and wallet added amount to our golden clients
We have a quality control team to ensure a good provided service and dedicated customer support teams
We are providing appointments in different period over the day morning, afternoon and evening
every single material that is being used in the wash has been selected carefually with experts in this field
Sample from our client reviews on social media and application stores.
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Enim nisi quem export duis labore cillum quae magna enim sint quorum nulla quem veniam duis minim tempor labore quem eram duis noster aute amet eram fore quis sint minim.
Fugiat enim eram quae cillum dolore dolor amet nulla culpa multos export minim fugiat minim velit minim dolor enim duis veniam ipsum anim magna sunt elit fore quem dolore labore illum veniam.
Regions inside Cairo
Hours Of Support per day
Listing below our car wash serives with its categories
Only outside wash for all car body with unlocking the car.
Clients can book for one time wash only or booking through one month four or six washes
in case of multiple appointments, client should select all appointments and they can edit later.
- Full exterior body cleaning.
- High quality body shampoo and wax.
- Microfiber towels to dry water.
- Tire polishing with premium materials.
- Car glass polishing with specialized materials.
Outside and inside wash for car body with deep cleaning for car interior and .
Clients can book for one time wash only or booking through one month four or six washes
in case of multiple appointments, client should select all appointments and they can edit later.
- Interior and exterior cleanliness.
- Interior vacuum sweaping.
- Front floor mat bagging.
- Air freshener hanger with Catchiy logo.
- Perimum Shampoo and wax for car body.
- Microfiber towels for water drying.
- Specialized towels for Interior polishing.
- Tire polishing with excellent materials.
- Gear, wipers, and lighting bag.
Value Mall, El-Sherook
Cairo, Egypt
+1 5589 55488 55
+1 6678 254445 41